Good Evening
It is unbelievable how this Rotary Year went by so quickly and it feels like it was only yesterday when I was having my installation dinner. This has made me reflect on what were able to accomplish in the 12 months.

Allow me to quote Isaac Newton, who said “If I have seen further, it is by standing on shoulders of giants”. I am proud to say that I stand on shoulders of 69 past Presidents and because of this the Club has been a beacon of hope to many people. I say that because this year we celebrated our 70th anniversary which is a huge achievement as we are the eldest club in Lusaka. At our 70th dinner celebration we took time to reflect on our successful projects and
documented how we had changed lives in various provinces such as Central Province,Western Province, Southern Province, Eastern Province, Northern Province and Lusaka Province and were able to impact lives of millions of people. This is a true testament of self above self.

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